Babies: 9 - 12 Months

My horrible weekend (long)

What we all thought was going to be a great Saturday spending time with family and friends & celebrating my sister's high school graduation, did not end the way we thought it would.

It started out great. The rain had gone through the night before, so we didn't have that to worry about. The temperature was a nice 76, or so.

The party started around 4 and was going great until about 7:15. I had gone inside my parents house to get DD a pair of socks, since it had gotten cooler out. As I am getting ready to walk outside, my aunt comes in yelling for someone to call 911, because 2 people have been run over by a golf cart. I call 911 (which I have no idea how little kids do this because I was a nervous wreck). I walk outside to find one of our family friends laying on the ground going into shock and my SIL's husband with ice on his leg.

Come to find out my nephew(who is 4), decided to get on the golf cart and play with it. He apparently turned the key on, and we have since determined that the gas pedal was stuck in the accelerate position, so when it started it just took off. It left a burn out in the grass, as it took off, and he ramped one of the games we had set up and ran right over our family friend.

Our friend is luckily okay, other than bruised and sore. I guess my SIL's husband tried jumping infront of it to try and stop it, which is how his leg got all scraped up. A part of me blames my SIL for this, because she always seems to think that when they go to parties she can just go and enjoy herself, and everybody else can watch her son.

My DH feels like it is his fault, because our nephew had just been standing right next to him. It all happened so fast that he didn't even realize that nephew was gone, until he saw him on the golf cart. I don't feel like it is DH's fault, as it is not our place to always to watching nephew. I know it could have happened to anybody that got on the golf cart, as there were other little kids there, but most of them know that something like that is off limits. Whereas nephew thinks he can just do whatever he wants, and hardly ever listens to anybody.

We just keep replaying this over and over in our heads. If he had not hit the game that was set up, he would have hit my mom who was holding DD, and a 5 year old little girl. I know there are always going to be the what-ifs, but it is so hard not to think about them.

I just hope that our nephew has realized what he has done, and that he will learn something from this. I know his only 4, but he should still know right from wrong, especially when he has been around lawn mowers and 4-wheelers, and is always told he can not get on them by himself.

Thanks for reading this, it just kinda helped to type it all out, and talk about it to people other than who were there.

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