Upstate NY Babies

So - if DH backs into your car... does that work with your insurance since they carry both of you?

Or is that another stupid question that I have today?  lol

DH backed into my car this morning and hit right where my door meets the front left panel of my car - can't open my door all the way.  Just enough to squeeze in.

Wasn't sure how it worked with insurance, claims, if we should bother, etc...


My first haircut!

Severe MFI - on to IVF w/ ICSI

IVF#1-2: BFN
IVF#3: BFP! - 1/24: ET - 5d - 2 blasts - 2/02: Beta #1: 16.2 ...... 2/04: Beta #2: 35 ...... 2/09: Beta #3: 401.5 - I'm pregnant! - 2/13: u/s #1 - baby boy, due 10/12, born 10/16! ...... 8 lbs 0 oz, 22 inches! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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