Upstate NY Babies


T's one big upper front tooth and the one next to it have been halfway down for quite some time now...I'd say we're heading towards a year that they've been in that position. They look like teeth that are coming in....but yet they never came fully down. The other big front tooth and one next to that one are fully in and look fine and her 4 bottom front teeth are all in and look ok too. We've asked 3 of the Dr's at her Ped office and they all tell us not to worry about it, but our parents keep bugging us about it and are very concerned. They think we should take her to a pediatric dentist. I was at our dentist last night and explained the situation to her to get her thoughts. She said the only thing she can think of from what I described is that they were compacted from a fall she might have had. But I told her to our knowledge she's never hit her mouth when she's fallen and none of the falls she's ever had have caused any trauma to her mouth...never any bleeding or swelling,etc. She said if they had been impacted they wouldn't have even come through as far as they have. She said we could take her for a consult at a Pediatric Dentist but that the only way they are probably going to be able to know for sure what's going on is by x-ray. She said if they were compacted for some reason that they would stay like that until they fell out and she got her adult teeth in.

So what would you do? Would you wait it out a bit longer and see what they do? Would you go get the pediatric consult and x-ray? I just worry about her having an x-ray at such a young age and then I worry that she'll get picked on once she starts school if her teeth are still like that.

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