Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Starter jogging stroller

Does anyone have a jogging stroller that they like but didn't pay $400 for?  DH and I are just starting running again and don't really want to invest in another expensive stroller until we see how committed we are..but in the meantime, we'd like to take DD out with us. 

Any recommendations?

Me - 39, DH - 49. BFP #1 6/09, DD- 03/17/10. BFP #2 4/29/11, Blighted Ovum at 8 weeks BFP #3 CP 12/27/11. RLP panel - normal. AMH - 2.1, FSH - 9.1, E2 - 74. IUI #1 + 100mg Clomid - BFN. HSG - CLEAR!! IUI #2+Clomid+Trigger-BFP!! EDD 3/28/13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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