Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Food- How much is too much?

I am grateful that DS is such a good eater of table food, but a few people have told me that DS may be eating too much- is that possible at this age? Should I be limiting his food intake?

Example- My sister is watching him this summer & she has 2 kids ages 2 & 4. She made them silver dollar pancakes for breakfast along with apple slices and strawberries. Her 2 year old ate 3 pancakes, 1 strawberry, no apples; 4 year old ate 2 pancakes, 4 apples slices, and 1 strawberry; DS ate 6 pancakes, no apples, 2 strawberries. (The reason I know the exact amount of all kids is b/c she told me to compare how much more he eats then her kids)

6 pancakes??? I would have given him more fruit, less pancakes- which I told her this... Now, he doesn't snack much if at all during the day- he typically just eats his 3 meals a day. I know babies can eat more sometimes during growth spurts, but he eats like this on a regular basis. He doesn't have rolls, and he usually is under 50% for weight.

WDYT- Is there such a thing as too much food at this age?

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