Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone else have a LO that fell off the growth charts?

My daughter has always been small, 10-25th % for height and 10th % for weight.  between her 6 and 9 month appointments, she only gained 2 pounds. which puts her at 14lb 10 oz.  The Pediatrician was not too concerned but wants us to start adding more fats and proteins in her foods.  We will go back in a month to reevaluate.  Do any of you have similar situations?  What did you do to help your LO gain more weight?  We are still breastfeeding, and I have plenty of milk.  We just can't make her eat more than she does. 

  The Pediatrician did make a comment that because I have lost so much weight my milk may not have as much fat as it once did.  I thought that was a really odd comment and I called a LC and she said there is research that goes both ways.  

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