Babies on the Brain

I'm not sure what to make of this

DH and I took Lila for a walk yesterday and as we were walking past a corner house the dogs started barking madly at us (these people have 5 f-ing annyoing weiner dogs).  We look over and the dogs are on the screen porch and there is also a baby on the porch.  No sign of any adults.  The kid couldn't have been more than 16 months tops.  DH and I were busy WTFing and maybe we should have knocked on the door and said "excuse me, did you know there is a baby on your porch?"  We passed by again a few minutes (10-15) later and it was gone.  Of course now I wonder if the screen porch is a regular babysitting tool for these people or if it is even their kid and maybe someone who was visiting did it.
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