Upstate NY Babies

I'm so shaken up right now.

It was a great weekend, we were just getting home from a bike ride (DH, DS, and myself) and about to put DS to bed.... when a domestic disturbance broke out two houses down from us. These neighbors have a history with police involvement-the police were in fact there two nights ago.

Well, tonight the husband was screaming in their driveway at his wife, then a male neighbor got involved and it became even more elevated. I thought they were going to start physically going after each other. I called family members who are in the police and they told me to call 911. I called, and they told me they already had calls come in from other neighbors. Then three police cars speed down the street with sirens and spotlights/search lights. They see the man and immediately get him in handcuffs before asking any questions. To make a long story short, they did not arrest him. Apparently he has a mental health disorder and is not on his medication.

This is about the sixth encounter (that we know of) since they bought the house about a year ago, that was on a grand enough scale to get the whole neighborhood involved. I feel so badly for the wife and their two young kids.

I am also scared of this man. He glared at out house tonight (while on top of the police car). I think he knew we called. He is clearly unstable and I'm worried about being alone with DS all day and him confronting me about it tomorrow. He has verbally attacked two other neighbors-one women who lives alone and a man across the street. I just don't know what he is capable of.

It is crazy to me thay we are dealing with this in our neighborhood. I grew up here-bought a house right down the street from my parent's house. It has always been a very safe, nice place to live. But I know that domestic violence can happen anywhere.... 

I am still a bit shaken up, and at this late hour I can't really call anyone. Thanks for letting me vent ladies...I really needed it. 

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