Upstate NY Babies


DH has been busy all weekend doing his own stuff.  Today he had the Tour De Cure, and dd and I decided not to go since it was rainy and chilly.  But he just came home a bit ago, put up the garage door, and then bam, nap time is over after just an hour, boooo.

Have I told you guys before that I hardly ever change poopy diapers?  I don't know why, but some how, some magical way, dd doesn't poop hardly ever on my days off.  She goes 1-2 times on the days I work, but skips my days off.  It has been that way since she was about 5-6 months old, or whenever their newborn poop stops.

So dd is waking up and dh announces he is going to take a nap.  Clearly, I am annoyed.  He says "well, I will get her up from her nap and change her and bring her down before my nap."

Here's what I hear:

"Hi Ellie!  Awww you stink!  Did you poop?"


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