Upstate NY Babies

So I am boycotting the Amherst BRU

They are notorious for restocking returned items that should NOT be put back on the shelves, but returned to the manufacturer (I believe we have talked about this on here before) I usually open the items there to check but we don't go that often any more so it slipped my mind. We bought a bedrail for Evan and when I took it out of the box to assemble it yesterday - the parts were wrong and the directions were missing. Someone obviously returned it and yeah, MAYBE they weren't asked whether it was damaged but most likely they told them and nothing was done and the box was put back on the shelves. This has happened to me twice before...but THIS time I was LIVID. I wanted to put Evan's bed together and not have to rush and hold him up...I wanted to go do something as a family last night instead of going BACK to the Amherst traffic hell-hole to return something that i never should have bought in the first place. We live so far from there now!! And they are lucky because I cooled down a lot on the way there and didn't ask to speak to the manager (I don't like confrontations anyway)...but I am going to write a letter informing them of their reputation and their need to re-train the returns procedures.

But, yes - I am boycotting them. I will drive to the Rochester Buy Buy Baby instead :)

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