Upstate NY Babies

So far, so good!

Can people see the pics that I post here from facebook if we aren't fb friends? Just wondering..

Anyway - Evan did great, so far. He cried when DH left him in his room, so DH went back in and rubbed his back for a while. But knowing how Evan is (esp from our hotel stay experience a few weeks ago) the second DH got up, Evan would pop up and everything would start all over. So Mama had to take over. We didn't discuss anything before bed because it took me forever to set up the bedrail (after a 911 trip to BRU - I'll explain that one later) and put all the bedding on and whatever. SO...after I took over...I put him down and rubbed his back for a second and told him it was time for bed - I left and stood outside his door. He started crying and came to the door (which has a kid proof handle thing on it) and so I opened it and layed him back down and same thing happened. I came downstairs to grab the video monitor and by the time I did, I just caught him climbing over the bedrail into bed and he's been fine ever since. 

Here's his bed...although to sleep he only had two pillows - he still moves around too much for blankets. We put a crib mattress at the foot of his bed and one on the side - just in case :)


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