Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Need a little help here.

So things have been going really great with DS.  He's started standing up a month ago and he absolutely loves giving me kisses.  But the past 2 weeks he's woken up 4x where he is just crying like a screaming cry and he's still sleeping but his eyes are open and I have to wake him up before I put him back down otherwise he will just start screaming crying again.  I wasn't to worried about it bc it sounds like he is just having a bad dream.  But last night worried me and I haven't been back to sleep since.  Last night he was screaming crying and he was making that sound like he was crying so hard he couldn't catch his breath, he was also turning his head to one side like a twitch over and over again and he sounded like when you are trying to play a scratched cd that just plays a little and starts over.  I don't know if I should be worried.  I'm going to call pedi first thing Monday morning, but I don't know what to think now.  I'm worried something is seriously wrong, everything I've found just said it might be night terrors.  He's also been refusing solids and purees.  I dont know if that has anything to do with it but I'm freaking out.

He will be 9 months on the 17th. 

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