Single Parents

father's day dilema

I don't post here that often, but I have a dilema. Just a quick background: The day I found out I was pregnant, the ex left me and I also found out about his other girlfriend and he was failing out of college. Fast forward to today and DD is 8 weeks old. He's not on the birth certificate because he wasn't there to sign it. We both have lawyers and are trying to negotiate for cs and visitation. He's been a major loser through this whole thing with huge lies, threats, and verbal abuse. He won't cooperate with the lawyers. He hasn't asked about her, her health, or asked to see her. Until now. He wants to see her on fathers day. I'm largely inclined to say no but I'm worried he'll try to use it against me in court. I don't want him to play the poor pitiful me card and that I'm the mean old b*tch. Any advice or words of wisdom?

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