Single Parents

Intro...and a question

Hello:) I'm Evelyn and my marriage just imploded. We have been unhappily married for at least 5 of the last 7 years and I've had enough. I'm 29 and decided that I'm not going to stay in a loveless marriage with someone who is unkind, derisive, emotionally unavailable and to whom I have no sexual attraction to.

But...the hardest part is that I'm not in a position to move out and he point-blank refuses. We decided to stay living together for the time-being(we've slept in separate rooms for the past 5 years by his choice). We also decided it was OK to casually see new people but I quickly learned it's NOT really OK with him. He's become even more emotionally abusive since he found out I went on two dates. He's insisting that it's cheating, which it isn't. I wasn't intimate with these men. FFS, I didn't even hug them good-bye! I don't even plan to see them again.  

Anyway, the prospect of staying here with him is absolutely off the table now. I will be staying with some family-friends at night, but still here during the day with the kids. Has anyone encountered something similar? My mother is making me feel terrible and insists that if I move out, he'll get full-custody because it's considered abandonment. Is this correct?

I'd just love to learn more about you all and what you've experienced. Thanks! 

Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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