Upstate NY Babies


Does your DH snore? If so, how to you "deal" with it? 

DH never used to snore-very rare occasions and not very long.  The past 2-3mos he snores every night. I would nudge him to get him to roll over and it would stop.  Well, the past week or so nothing helps. I can nudge/kick all I want and he'll just roll over and continure snoring. And it's LOUD.  Its fine at bedtime b/c I go to bed first so I fall asleep first. But I tend to wake up a lot overnight (bathroom, roll over, etc) and then I'm screwed and can't fall back to sleep b/c its so loud. I'm a very light sleeper so this is a pain! The past 2 nights I got up in the middle of the night to sleep in our spare bedroom. DH keeps joking that we'll have separate rooms in our new house, but I dont want to be that couple.  Any suggestions?

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