Babies: 9 - 12 Months

HELP! DS not eating table foods at 11 months

Ok so I have an 11 month, 1 week old son. He is still taking a rice bottle every 3-4 hours, but only getting about 4 bottles a day. He has been sleeping in until 9 which kind of gives us a late start to the day. He is not eating very much of the table foods. I will try and give him a bottle and wait an hour or so and give him some yogurt. Sometimes he finishes the yogurt other times he only wants half of it. Then for lunch I will give him a bottle and wait an hour or so and try to give him something but normally he only takes a few bites. He does this for dinner as well. And then he gets a bottle about an hour before he goes to bed.

We have tried just about everything underneath the sun to give to him to eat. Right now the only things that he will eat are poptarts (only about half of one poptart), cereal, Eggos, grilled cheese, goldfish and baked beans. He never really eats very much any time we offer him anything.

What should he be eating right now? How can I wean him off of the bottle if he does not eat any table foods? I was hoping to have him off of formula by his first birthday but that is looking impossible at this point. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

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