Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sleep problems

My LO has been having sleep problems for the past month or so.  He is impossible to get to sleep, even though he's exhausted.  When we finally get him to sleep and try to put him down, he wakes up immediately and starts screaming. We always wait 20-30 min before putting him down to make sure that he is completely out, but this doesn't help.  

We've tried letting him CIO, but he gets really angry and usually vomits in the crib.  Just what I love to do when I'm tired, untie bumpers and change crib sheets. Nothing consoles him when he gets like this.  I can rub his back, lay on the floor next to the crib, nothing works to get him back to sleep on his own.

Out of exhaustion, I usually wind up bringing him into my bed during the night. This helps a little, but he is very restless in there too.  He rolls around, climbs on us, even though his eyes are closed and I know he is half asleep!

Please give me some suggestions, or at least tell me I'm not alone!  

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