Babies: 9 - 12 Months

lol, is this what hospital birth is like?

I had 2 scheduled c-sections, so I can't relate, but this cannot possibly be the norm.  A newb's first post ever on 12-24.  My reply was, "Do you live in medieval England?" 

"I would heavily suggest a home birth. Giving birth to a child is what we are placed on this earth to do. Think about all of the other mammals in the world and consider the way that they birth and nurse their children in their natural setting. You shouldn't have to deal with hearing other women screaming down the hall (which happened to me and scared the s*** out of me!). You should have the complete focus of your midwife in a well lit and comfortable area. 

Home birth also helps to prevent those nasty few days that you get locked up in a hospital room after the actual birth. There was nothing worse than not being able to sleep in my own bed, shower in my own bathroom, or even to see my dog!"


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