Babies: 9 - 12 Months

A birthday success!

I will admit, I was super freaked out about my son's birthday party. I stressed about everything! It went so well! All the really matters is the group of people that you invite. Everyone was so social and I think it ran so smoothly because the people weren't awkward. Food was great, games were fun, cake was a huge hit, opening the presents was too cute, and everyone went swimming. Amazing turn out too. His party took place on an island at a lake thirty minutes away from the homes of everyone that I invited, including my own. I can honestly say, everyone who was invited, came.






I will recommend having like three or four changes of clothes, especially if it is outside and there is swimming involved! 

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"Forget your lust for the rich man's gold. All that you need is in your soul, and you can do this if you try. All that I want for you my son, is to be satisfied." Photobucket
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