Upstate NY Babies

XP: Too early for pacifier?

We have had a hard time getting A to sleep anywhere but in bed with us.  I broke out in hives really bad(the same thing happened when I was nursing E) and the only thing that has given me relief is Benadryll.  I am cautious about having the him sleep with us with me taking it, so I really want to get him to sleep regularly in the FP Rock and Play, right next to me.  When we try to set him down, he wakes, comfort nurses and goes back to sleep, but much faster in our bed.  Is it too soon to try a pacifier, as maybe it is just a need for sucking to soothe?  I am all about nursing to soothe, but I want to try to see if he will sleep next to me, not with me.  Thoughts?
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