Babies: 9 - 12 Months

diaper story....funny!

So i have been posting about diaper advice for my tummy sleeping son, he has been waking up in the morning soaking wet. He usually sleeps 11 or 12 hrs....Luckily it never woke him through the night but his pj's have been soaked every morning. My husband joked that if he weren't waking up wet he would probably sleep until 10AM (he goes to bed at 8PM)  He likes his sleep like his Mommy :)

Anyway a few of you have suggested trying target brand diapers (Up & Up) so i did...last night was our first night using them and my little man went to bed at 8PM and slept until 10AM this morning!!!!  He was completely dry when he woke up! 

Just had to thank you all that suggested the diapers! 
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