Single Parents

I Gave DH an Ultimatum

Achase and others who have been telling me to stop putting up with my lazy alcoholic DH, I hope you'll be proud! :) I finally did it. Long overdue, I know. After dragging him to marital counseling and waiting waiting waiting for him to make an appt with the substance abuse counselor that the marital counselor referred him to, we had a fight last night and I hit my boiling point.

I told DH to make an appointment with the substance abuse counselor before Friday or we have to separate. 

I'm suprisingly calm right now. Of course, he has not yet responded. I honestly think I don't care if he makes the appointment or not. If he does, great. I will be on the road to having my fun, loving husband back. If not, I'm selling the house and moving to a better school district and raising DS the way I want him to be raised.

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