Babies: 9 - 12 Months


I just wanted to share so that maybe someone elses little one wouldn't have to go through this.


My son has had baby yogurt with blueberries and no problems. On memorial day weekend, he had his first fresh blueberry. Matter of fact he act a whole handful of them. He LOVED them. So we bought some to send in his lunch to his sitters house.

He came home from the sitters on Tuesday fine. Had one bowel movement, and my husband went to change him. His little bottom was blistered. He wouldn't even allow you to wipe him. I felt horrible. His bottom is chapped now and healing, but we had a few days where it was pretty bad. We have since been soaking in an oatmeal bath and lathering him up with creams. 

I started looking it up online and apparently its pretty common with blueberries. I had never heard of this, but thought I would share with you all. 

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers Dori TTC #2 since 05/2012 BFP- 02/26/12, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d
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