Babies: 9 - 12 Months

S/O CIO - please please help.

Please help, ladies.  DESPERATE.  LO has been waking every 2-3 hours since 7 months (she's now 10 months).  She had continual ear infections so we couldn't CIO (we did once and she vomited like crazy) in the past.  We took her in yesterday and she does not have an ear infection - yay, finally. Last night, she was up every hour and it was impossible to get her back to sleep.  DH tried, I tried everything - rocking, patting, picking up/put down.  We finally let her CIO for 30 minutes.  DH went back in (after I told him not to) and soothed her back to sleep - it took another 30 minutes. 

What would you do tonight?  Would you guys CIO again?  For how long?  30 minutes?  The crazy thing is that she no longer calms down and goes right back to sleep after we pick her up.  This used to work, but now she just continues to cry.  I suspect she wants the boob as she's used to getting it all.night.long.  I've tried to wean her, and will refuse it often.  We're down to about 2 feedings at night now. 

 Please help.  We are desperate and don't know what to do anymore.  

Oh, and last night when we let her CIO at around 4am, she was screaming/fussing in an angry way, not bloody murder crying if that makes a difference. 

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