North Carolina Babies

MIL visit

So MIL arrived last night for a visit.  And I already need to vent! :)

I realize this is me being selfish but I was REALLY hoping she would want some baby time so that I could nurse Nate and then go get a haircut or something.  She is already gone for the day--off with her old boyfriend who is joining us for dinner here at our house (she set this up without asking me or DH)?!  This is the same guy she said was so horrible but that's a whole other story. I don't get it.

Tomorrow she also has plans and even on Scott's birthday she has plans.  I know she should be able to see other people she knows here too but I thought she was coming to mostly see Nate and Scott.

Once 8pm hits, she parks herself in front of the TV to watch her shows and will not help with the craziness of Nate's fussy time and Scott's bedtime.  Ugh!  And she's constantly making a mess in the kitchen and leaving it for me to clean up.

OK, I'm done for now.  I will find the good thing in this--at least since she's going to be gone most of today I will have less to clean up in the kitchen! ;)

The other good news is that my mom is coming to visit later this month and maybe then I can get a haircut!

 I'm sure I'll have some more vents over the next week and maybe even some entertaining stories.


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