North Carolina Babies

Terrible Two

What has been your experience with this age so far?

We just this week had a BIG change in our house with his attitude.  Every single thing is "no!" "nope!" "No, Mommy!" or he is whining because he wants something he can't have, a TV show that isn't on, a food we don't currently own or a toy he can't find.  It is testing for sure.  This morning he had a complete meltdown while trying to get him in the car and he was so mad that he literally shook when he was screaming. 

He is starting to show a some aggressive behavior at school as well and I am not sure how normal it is.  He was hitting and poking and then when asked to sit in time out he was kicking the wall.  He has been begging not to take him to school and he tells me that he wants to go back to "our house" when he sees the building. 

I think we have found a solution for our new daycare, but we can't start until August.  I don't know if the behavior at school is because of something going on, when we ask him why he did something he will always tell us about this other kid doing something to him.  Yesterday he told me that the other kid gave him a booboo.  Ben is the oldest in the class and is supposed to be moving up but they haven't told us when that will happen yet.  He is bored playing with babies again.

My sweet boy :)
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