Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Breaking up with Daycare :-/ long

I need some advice.

I really love the daycare that DS is in now. The teachers are great, everyone loves him, and he loves everyone there. It was not my first pick in daycare's and I just went with them because they were the only place that had an available spot for my infant at the time. I don't regret my choice in putting him there and I'm actually having a really hard time thinking about moving him to another daycare.

We have a family friend who owns a Montessori locally and they accept kids as young as 1. Jayden has been on the waiting list there since he was a newborn and he actually went to school there for a couple of weeks before she decided to get rid of the infant room.

I know Montessori's are really great schools and the parents who bring their kids there rave about the school. Developmentally wise I think he will be better at the Montessori since they're more structured with lesson plans. The daycare he is in now is a Baptist daycare so I think they focus on including the bible more with their lessons, which I have no issue with at all.

Now that he's almost a year old and can be moved into the Montessori, I'm having a hard time breaking up with the daycare he's in now. I'd have to move him from his friends and teachers that he loves so much. I don't know if I should just keep him where he is since he's comfortable there, knows everyone, and actually likes going to "school".  WWYD?

ETA: Sorry about my Montessori being structured comment. You can just skip over that lol. Embarrassed

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