Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Diarrhea question..

(If the spelling is wrong, please forgive me.) DD had a really loose/watery poo last night, and woke up at around 3am crying & fussing. Nothing seemed wrong, she had no fever, no dirty nappy, etc. I eventually offered a bottle of water, which she gobbled up, and she then settled after about 20min.  She was fine and happy this morning when I left for work. The nanny called me now and said that she just had another two watery/runny nappies, but still no fever and she's eating and drinking fine. I don't know if I must rush home and take her to the doc or just wait and see if it blows over. It might be teething, although she had no symptoms when the first 2 teeth came out. WWYD? TIA.
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