Babies: 9 - 12 Months

table food trouble

Hi am usually a lurker, but I wanted to know what you think or if you have encountered or are dealing with table food trouble.

Our DS is now 10 and half months old. He has been a fussy eater in the sense that any type of Stage 3 food he gags. He has been getting better with that, but now we are struggling with table food. The only thing he will actually pick up and put in his mouth to eat are his whole wheat teething bars. Cheerios, yogurt drops, pieces of banana anything he will just mash in his hand and throw over the high chair for the anxiously waiting dog. We try to put the food in his mouth to show him it is food and he just spits it out.

We are trying to be persistant, but have any of you experienced this? What have you done to help your LO's light bulb go off? We aren't giving up, but maybe need to enslist some new strategies.


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