Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Tantrums over teeth brushing?

LO is 12 months old, and in the past he's been really good about teeth brushing.  However, for the past couple of weeks he cries, pushes his tongue against the toothbrush, hits the toothbrush out of our hand, etc.  His top teeth are not all the way in, and the only thing I can think of is that maybe his gums are tender and it hurts.  This wasn't an issue, though, when his bottom teeth were coming in.  I'm a nut about oral hygiene and the thought of his teeth not being brushed grosses me out.

Should we push the brushing issue and do what we need to do a good job brushing, even though it takes two of us and a lot of tears and screaming?  Or should we just do the best we can and hope it passes?   Anyone had this issue?

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