Upstate NY Babies

Showing DH appreciation

DH & I hit these rough patches every now and then when we're both doing so much around the house, but neither one of us feels appreciated for what we do.

We have a lot of projects to work on outside so with the nice weather, they're slowly getting done.  The problem is that DH does about 99% of them and it's a lot of manual labor.  On our list is tearing out some of our massive landscaping (DH got most of this done over the weekend with his Dad's tractor), trimming the hedges (ongoing), mowing (ongoing), fixing the drainage on our front patio, and possibly tearing down our fence (not a battle I am going to win, unfortunately) and deck. 

This work is taking up all of our weekends, to the point where I don't even really look forward to them anymore.  We don't get together with friends EVER, don't have date nights and it's usually just Stella and I most of the days.  It's so frustrating but these are things that need to be done and when DH is motivated, I just go with it.

I know he hates missing out on spending time with us as much as I do and it's hard work on top of his full time job during the week.  How can I show him that I really do appreciate what he is doing?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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