Upstate NY Babies

Ugh - ear infection!

Since the kids have been born...I am the only one that gets ear infections! WTF! It's so embarassing too - because it's from using q-tips. I can't help it...I can't stand to not clean my ears with them...I try and try and try to hold off...but then the q-tip devil on my shoulder tells me to clean them. Once I clean them and remove any wax they feel great - but then they get all dry and I itch them when I'm half asleep and that's probably what causes it. I am supposed to clean them with baby oil on the q-tip...but never do. I guess I have to start.

The worst thing about it is I want to start exercsing but the right side of my face is throbbing.

I have drops from the last time so I hope it gets better quickly. I need to lose 50 lbs in five weeks!! haha!!!


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