Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Can I nominate

my air conditioner for twatwaffle tuesday?  It went out sometime yesterday and I didn't find out about it until late last night.  It sounds like it wants to start while the fan in the house is running, but it's not starting.  I've got all my ceiling fans running in the house for my cats with lots of water set out for them.  I'm kinda concerned because of the heat index again today in our area. 

When I called the company, they said they are extremely booked and they MIGHT get to us today.  I let them know that I have a baby, so they said they would really try hard to make it out because of him. 

Oh, and I bedshared with Hudson last night, mainly because DH is out of town on business this week.  I really don't know how you mommas do it all the time.  I hardly got any sleep at all....

ETA:  Hudson also doesn't have a fan in his room and we have one in ours, so that is another reason for the bedsharing.

Pray for a phone call today for me please!!!!!!

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