Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone else have a butt-scooter instead of a crawler?

Ha!  Cracked me up!  LO has been scooting in a circle for awhile and I just witnessed him scoot pretty far across the floor.  Totally took me by surprise, but it was funny and I'm glad he's moving! hehe
Friend's Blog on Circumcision. My Blog Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Cam - Speech Delay, no words. Motor delay. M-Chat: At risk for Autism. Chromosome microarray: Normal. Fragile X test: Normal CGG repeats. Back to the drawing board. Next up - Developmental Pediatrician appointment. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Adrian - Full day Kindergarten. IEP for speech and attention. Will revisit and modify later this year.
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