Babies: 9 - 12 Months

mad at myself (Vent, NBR)

I went to my SIL's today and totally had diarrhea of the mouth and I'm really mad at myself. DH and I are going through some financial issues -- nothing serious, but it's been a little tougher than usual lately due to some bad real estate deals we made.  Anyway, SIL knows some of this, but I;m usually pretty private about the details. Today she started asking questions and caught me off guard and I answered all of them and now I feel like she knows too much of my private business. Not to mention that DH won't be pleased to know that I blabbed.

She and her DH (her DH is my DH's brother) are not at all in a good position financially and I know she thinks me and my DH are rolling in the dough. My DH does well, but as I said , this real estate thing is killing us right now.  So I guess it's not so bad that I blabbed, but still, I feel crappy.

ok vent over. thanks for reading. 

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