Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Does anyone else's parents guilt them?(long rant)

I am just about over all the displaced guilt my mother is trying to shove onto me!! All because we made time all be it only an hour to spend with them over Memorial Day weekend (which I squeezed in even though DS should have been napping)

We live about 4 hours from our families & when we do go back home we always stay with my IL's because they have a 5 bedroom house with only them in it. My mother always gets pissy about this because she is living in my sister's basement because of her medical problems. There are 6 people in a 3 bedroom house...& then she wants me, DH, DS & my two dogs there too...are you kidding me?! I am NOT putting my family in that situation, never mind the fact that I can't stand how my sister treats her family, I go visit & spend time with them at least once a month. Which I do because I love them all!!

Now she is pissed off at me because last weekend we went to visit our friends & stayed with them for 2 days & she only got an hour...well we haven't seen them since JANUARY!! We saw the family the weekend before!  Not to mention she hasn't stopped be crappy about the vacation that the IL's are paying for at the end of July...ARGH! I'm just so over her!!!  

Thanks if you made it this far! All you ladies with older kids, does it ever end? Does the crap of you spend more time with them than us ever let up?  

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