Upstate NY Babies

conjunctivitis run-around

My LO has seasonal allergies.  He's had a little eye discharge on and off for the last 3 weeks.  (It's worse on day's DH's allergies are worse, so I'm pretty convinced it's allergies.)

The white fuzzy pollen started falling yesterday.  DH probably slept 2 hours last night because he was so congested and had a huge sinus headache.  So, when LO woke up with the white of one eye red, I didn't think too much of it.  Gave him his claritan and took him to daycare.

Daycare called not long after and sent him home.  Someone in the room had pink eye last week, so they can't have him there unless I get something from the doctor's that says it's allergy related.  I totally understand and am fine with the policy.  I don't want kids with pink eye there.

My doctor's office has a policy where they do not see people with pink eye.  If you have pink eye symptoms, they call in a script.  If it doesn't help, you have to go to an eye doctor.

I called my eye doctor and made an appointment for him at 1:30.  They called back and said they won't see anyone that young and cancelled the appointment.

I called my doctor's office and the nurse said if it's only one eye it's definitely pink eye.  Allergies would be in both eyes.  They called in a RX and he can't go back to school until it's gone.

But what if it's allergies?  I called the nurse-line for my insurance company.  She said it really could be either and I should bring him to the doctors.  Easier said than done.  Ugg!  They gave me a pediatric ophthalmologist to try. 

Now I'm torn, do I treat in case it is pink eye and then call the ophthalmologist if it doesn't clear up?   But if it is allergies I'm wasting time off from work for allergies.

So frustrating.

Bianca image.
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