North Carolina Babies

Moms of Preschoolers

What are you all doing over summer vacation to help keep all the things your LO learned in preschool "fresh"? My DD knows her ABCs and numbers (things they  worked on in preschool this past year) but I want her to keep learning over the summer when she is home with me. They were working on writing their letters, so I thought that was something we could work on and continue working on letters (putting letters together, started to spell, etc).

 Do you have any creative ideas or books/activities you can recommend for these types of activities? I don't want her to get bored or feel like I am forcing anything on her.

Also, what are you doing to stay busy/keep your LO from going stir crazy this summer? I work in the afternoons but we have our mornings free, so I am trying to thing of things to do. We live in a small town so I don't have a lot of options. We joined a pool, so I thought about taking her to the pool most mornings and maybe going to the library. It is getting so warm, I don't know if going to the park will be a good option. She is signed up for a couple vacation bible schools too, but they are in June. Just curious what you all were planning on doing.

Thanks for your help!

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