Babies: 9 - 12 Months


anyone's lo have this before?  ds had a really high temp on wednesday (104.5 rectally) and we took him to the er.  they thought he had strep (or some form of it since the strep test was negative) because he had a throat infection & his ears were red.  went for a follow-up with pedi the next day & she said she thought it was more of a viral infection than strep.  she mentioned roseola & said if he got a rash in a few days not to freak out.  he was put on an antibiotic & his fever lasted for a few days (low-grade).  yesterday he got this weird looking rash all over his face & it has started to go other places on his truck/arms/legs.  mayo site says if rash doesn't get better in three days to call dr.  so, hopefully tomorrow it looks better.  ds is more irritable than normal and his eyelids are swollen like an allergic reaction.  otherwise, he is acting normal. 

any experience with this?

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