Babies: 9 - 12 Months

First Birthday gifts from guests?

Is anyone asking their guests not to bring gifts for little ones first birthday? 

These are my thoughts, if we only invite family, it will be 7 people total and AKWARD.  My parents and in-laws are kind to each other, but are just different people.  Even though they live 10 minutes apart, they avoid each other like the plague.

So if we invite friends and family, it's going to be a butt load of people.  I know our friends are all close to us & won't mind getting DS a gift, I feel like it's just asking too much.  "Hey come to another party, bring a gift, not to mention a few of you need to drive an hour to get here."

And where do you cut the list?!?!  Like our neighbors who are dying to be grandparents and love DS like he was their own...but we aren't that close to them.  Anyone else having a hard time with their LO's birthday?

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