Single Parents

Am I doing the right thing?

I have my CO.  I have sole physical and legal custody and he sees the kids supervised when its ok with me.  He tested positive for coke and never got his psych eval.

He's abusive on the phone as of last week and blames me for him not seeing the kids even though I always say give me a date and time and we can coordinate.

Today he calls and says he had knee surgery and is just getting back on his feet (he lies a ton so I have no idea if its true) but are we busy so we can take the kids to the park.  I have school til 2:30 and then work at 3 til 8 so I offered Thursday and Friday afternoon since I know he works Tuesday and Wed nights.  He blew up and said no forget it, you do this all the time.  I said that he has to stop calling last minute.

And then our grill turned into an argument.  I bought it for him for our 5th anniversary 2 years ago.  (He bought me nothing lol.)  I said he can have it for 50 bucks or I was going to sell it for 50 and give him half.  He owes me a lot of money.  And he went off on me for being money hungry, not giving him his stuff like his tools.  I said that I want the lawyers to do a 50/50 split with joint bills, credit cards.  He took his 401K out that he accured during the marriage.  So basically I got left with all his bills.  I just want what's fair.  Nevermind he used my phone number for all his payday loans after we separated.

Am I wrong in what I'm asking for and doing?  He's just really on my case and being manipulative and I'm starting to 2nd guess myself.

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In
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