Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Feeding Advice Needed

DD has always been a phenonmenal eater.  She would eat anything (or at least try it: purees, veggies. fruits, solids, ect).  For the last week or so, DD will not eat anything but O's, cheese, or bread products.  DD will still nurse and drink milk from her sippy cup without a problem.  I know she is teething (she has 8 teeth already and more are coming in), but she has always continued to eat when teething.

Is this a normal phase?  We are continuing to offer her veggies, fruits, purees, ect, but she will only take a couple bites and then she is done or will spit/ spray the food.  Any suggestions for getting her to eat other things too?  Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. 

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Our Little Guy due 4/14/13 BabyFetus Ticker
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