Upstate NY Babies

I'm frustrated. Advice needed please!

I think I've posted a little about this before but Stella is a total Mama's girl.  I feel like it's getting worse instead of better.  Whenever I'm around she only wants me.  She cries and reaches for me if DH tries to hold her or anything.  I'm the only one who she wanted to hold her at hockey games, which is difficult with my growing belly!  If I'm not around and she's with DH she's fine, but if I'm there and walk out of the room, she whines for me.  It's so hard to get anything done.  Last weekend we were playing in the basement and I went upstairs to start dinner.  DH ended up bringing her upstairs b/c she just whined at the gate and pointed upstairs.  Last night when putting her to bed each time I put her down she cried SO hard.  I went into our bedroom and just started bawling. Luckily DH was able to get her calmed down and to bed.  I don't know what to do and I'm terrified for when the new baby comes.

Then there's the guilt.  I feel awful for being annoyed and frustrated by this.  I have this beautiful little girl who loves her mama so much and I'm complaining about it.  Sometimes I feel like DH is going to resent me or Stella and just end up giving up even trying when I feel like he should be trying harder. 

When I drop her off at day care or with MIL, she's ok, that hasn't changed.

Has anyone dealt with this before?  I'm just not sure what to do.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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