Single Parents

question regarding child support

Im usually a lurker on this board and have run into a situation. I got pregnant with my son last july and after the father found out he split. I knew i was going into this as a single mother, i should probably add i live with my parents. The father of my child has not been apart of his life at all, hasn't even ever met him-never signed the birth certificate  (my son is 2 months old!)

Well my parents want me to go after him for child support soon (my dad is trying to find a lawyer and talk to them on my behalf (not sure i want this!) 

Well i have so many worries regarding this

1. Can i force a DNA test, and will i have to pay for it, will the state pay for it, or will he have to pay for it?

2. Will the father have the right to try and take my son away from me? And if not will he be able to try to have overnight visitation (i exclusively breastfeed)

3. He doesnt have a current job (he cant keep a job for more than a couple months) will that effect anything

 4. Is it really worth it?

I dont know what all im getting into with all of this and thank you in advanced 

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