Single Parents

hard decision. need some help

let me start by saying my husband is a wonderful man who treats me with respect and loves me more than life.

he is bi-polar with substance abuse issues wich he denies. counseling and medication have failed. we have been together 3 years married for a little over a year

i can not deal with his issues anylonger. i feel terrible for "giving up" on him but i am miserable.

here is the dilema

he is our source of income. i worked here and there but we decided that my place was at home especially now that were expecting.

if i leave i have no where to go. family support emotionally but no where to live.

i do not want to take him for all he has because he is a good man.

so do i just stay? be miserable for the sake of our daughter?

any input would be appriciated

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