Babies: 9 - 12 Months

ear infections and quality of family life... long vent

I am not trying to be melodramatic... but I just feel like since the end of march we have had 1 month that was good.   

He got a cold on March 22 and was not well again until May 3 (a single ear infection, then double ear infection later, plus that full time of bad coughing). 

He just got another cold wednesday... took him to urgent care today, has another ear infection.

I realize that things are way worse for so many.  I am very thankful that he does not have any serious disease.   I am thankful he was 8 months the 1st time he got sick, and that he has not had any bad complications.  

That being said... I really hate it when he is sick.  I feel so bad for him when he cries, we can't sleep as a family (which is very hard given our work schedules), We can not do anything on the weekends, DH and I "fight" (which for us means we get frustrated with each other and then ignore each other), etc.

I know that others kids get sick just as much (if not more sometimes).    I just wondered if others sometimes feel like this? 

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