Single Parents

Long time no see! *long*

Sooo many new faces! I have been a little MIA lately. I just don't have the time to get onto my comp anymore. I work over 40 hours lately, then I am home with the kiddo playing chase the baby around the house. However, updates!

R is almost 10 months old! She is huge! She started crawling a few months back and is almost about to start walking. She doesn't even look like a baby anymore. I am getting things ready for the summer for her. Play dates planned, trips, and her 1st birthday. It's going to be so much fun!

Nothing really has changed with me. I started dating a guy a few months back. I have known him for 8 years. We just rekindled where we have left off from 4 years ago. He is a complete sweetheart. D absolutely loves R. He treats her better than her own DB. His mom, who I have known way before I was pregnant, tells all of her coworkers that D is adopting R. Way sweet.

My housing situation is changing as well in the next few months. D and I are moving in together. He lives in a very nice house on a private road. He does have 2 roomates. I both know them and like them. I have already done my background checks on them. So I feel comfortable with them around my child. It will be a better change than living with my parents any longer. They have made it abundantly clear within the last few months that I am nothing but a burden and when I informed them of my change of living my step dad said "Why the wait?". Why doesn't he just say "Great! Now GTFO". So I guess I will see how this goes.

DB has left for boot a few days ago. Not like it means anything. He pays the state minimum in child support and has sent his daughter a check of a whopping 100$ the entire time she has been alive. So needless to say he looks like he is doing the right thing. When in reality he doesn't care.

Now I do have one slight issue at the moment that I am hoping someone has experience with. My DD has been going to daycare since December. She does great there. Well I get state assistance for it, What it costs a week is 50$ less than what I make a week. So needless to say I really really need the help. Well I get a call at work on the 31st saying that she was authorized to go until that point. Well I arrange alternate child care for the time being. Called the state to find out why they stopped her daycare. Well turns out I had my 6 month review and they sent paperwork for me. I NEVER received it. So they stopped her daycare and now says I am a "new" applicant and put on a waiting list. The waiting list is between 4 week and 6 months. I could be without daycare for 6 months. Needless to say I am livid. I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any help for me?

 Sorry for the long windedness of this. It's just been so long. I would love any updates on what is going on with you guys! Thanks! 

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