North Carolina Babies


Hi all, I've been lurking for a bit on this board and thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself. I participate the most on August 2011 board, I'm expecting my first, a boy, due Aug 14th. I live in Concord, just north of Charlotte and plan on delivering at CMC-Northeast. Looking forward to talking with you ladies, if you'll have me!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
#1 BFP 12/31/10 EDD 8/14/11 Born 8/9/11
#2 BFP 3/20/12 EDD 11/17/12 M/C 3/25/12
#3 BFP 11/17/12 EDD 8/5/13 stick, baby stick!
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