Upstate NY Babies

Constipated baby

Sad  After EBFing for one month my supply tanked and I tried everything to recover...nothing increases my supply. I am pumping about 12-16 ounces a day, but LO takes between 25 and 30. I was prettty bummed we had to start supplementing with formula just to keep him full.

We've been supplementing since Monday night, and poor baby hasn't pooped since Wednesday. He strains and tries, and makes some gas, but no poop. I feel so bad for him!

Is there anything I can do?  We are supplementing with Similac sensitive b/c of his reflux issues, maybe I should try a different formula?

Any ideas? It is so weird to have him go from 5-6 poops a day on BM to none...I feel bad for him!

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