Upstate NY Babies

AW: An ACTUAL Date Night

DH and I never get a date night.  Not having family around and not having anyone we can really have come over to babysit makes it hard.  DH is pretty picky about who we leave G with.  So our date nights are usually us doing dinner and a movie here after he goes to bed.  We have made friends with a couple that we're going to use as our go-to people to watch Gavin when I go into labor until family can get here.  But, I don't want Gavin's first night ever staying away from home to be a sudden, rushed drop off.  So, we're doing a trial run tonight.  He's going to go play there and go to sleep in their guest room, while DH and I go to dinner and to see Bridesmaids, and then we'll go pick him up.  I hope he does ok!  I'm so excited to see this movie!
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